Sweat Sessions with Arielle McFadden
Instructor: Arielle McFadden
Sweat Session Dates:
Wednesday January 14th at 6pm:
Restorative Vinyasa-based Yoga-lates class: helping to release tension, improve spinal alignment, and guide you towards a relaxed nights sleep.
Saturday January 17th at 11am:
Power-Yoga class, filled with core work, heart openers, spinal twists, and some hip deliciousness
A bit about Arielle:
The reason I love fitness goes hand in hand with why and how I became involved in the fitness world as a yoga instructor.
Naturally I am a caretaker, and a person that wants to help others. I noticed years ago, the incredibly deep emotional benefits a regular yoga practice provided me. As a person that has suffered from many types of physical and mental ailments and traumas: the strength, peace of mind, improvement in those ailments, and growth of self-awareness and thus confidence has been instrumental in my evolution as a human being. Yoga gives me peace. Yoga gives me health. Yoga gives me joy. And to know that I can inspire those things in other people is why I decided to become a certified yoga instructor.
Obviously, living in LA, most people are drawn to yoga for vanity reasons: and as an actress I can attest to the great physical changes that have occurred with my regular practice: most specifically in the heat. I can also attest to the fact that living a fit lifestyle encourages all things positive in my life: health begets health. Whether it’s making the decision to walk to the bank instead of drive, or spend a few minutes a day just taking some deep breaths: being “fit” is so much more than having a small waist size. I know I am fit when my migraines subside, when I wake up feeling energized, when I can more genuinely care for others: as that is my most authentic self.
Fitness, and lack there of, work much like tumbleweeds. One good choice for yourself leads you to another, and another, and so on. The joy I experience in being able to provide guidance in these positive choices in people’s lives is why I teach.
It’s always exciting when celebrities come to my classes and post about it on social media. I’ve had the honor of hosting classes for The Rachel Zoe Report, Clare Vivier, and have even had the honor of my classes being promoted by The Body Book! But for me: the real accomplishments and successes are the humbling moments when people come up to me and tell me how I have positively touched and changed their lives.
One student of mine has suffered from such severe back pain, that she was seeing a chiropractor a few times a week, and getting therapeutic massages monthly. After her first class with me, she experienced a complete relief from her chronic back pain! That blew my mind!!!! People have written me letters about how I have helped guide them out of a dark and self-depriving time in their lives, and have provided them with the strength to start taking care of themselves and find their joy again.
This is why I love fitness. This is why I became involved in the world of fitness and yoga. These are my greatest accomplishments. Helping improve people’s lives: whether it’s teaching children how to breathe through emotions and become aware of their body, or guiding adults through those same things! By making positive healthy choices for ourselves, we are more aligned with being able to make a positive and healthy imprint on the world. And what greater reward can there ever be, than making our world a happier and healthier place for the generations that are to come?
None. Not for me, at least.
Where to find her -
Facebook: Search Arielle Yoga
Instagram: @arimarie5
Twitter: @arielleyoga